Hunting for a job after graduation is a big deal. There is so much uncertainty in the job market today, and probably the university is not the best place to start a business, many students would say - and this would be totally understandable.
As a student, there are many things you need to juggle daily, from reading your notes to completing assignments to taking care of yourself (which could be even harder if you are financially constrained). But, you cannot join the wagon of unemployed graduates when school is done. While in school, your days might seem like a very busy time, there’s always something to do – and starting your own business can be one. After all, this could be your part-time job – that business might become the next McDan.
Of course, balancing schoolwork and an entrepreneurial venture can be challenging for any student.
Here are some tips for starting and sustaining a business while in school.
At school, it can be difficult to organise yourself – and setting priorities remains one of the biggest challenges university students face. First, you must determine your short-term and long-term goals in school and how other business pursuits fits into them. Ask yourself these four questions:
Answering these questions will allow you to define your priorities. Then decide what activity to sacrifice for building your business.
Pick for the right business
Utilise school and internet resources
Take advantage of whatever school has to offer while starting your business; Copy and print services, Wi-Fi, online resources, library materials are crucial tools to help progress your interest in business. You are likely to pay for your startup out of pocket at first, so take advantage of resources while they’re free.
Connect with other students
Your friends and classmates may have some time to spare. While you’re building your business, speak with classmates and students for support. Consider collaborating with people with certain skills and make them a part of your business, while making it a learning opportunity for everyone involved.
The university has a pool of talents. You’ll meet well-versed individuals with diverse ideas to produce intersecting and innovative concepts all for your business to thrive.
Create a schedule and checklist.
You may feel overwhelmed, it’s okay. Many students and entrepreneurs profit from creating a to-do list. Checklists help you stay focused and optimised specific goals.
You don’t need to invest too much money
It is true that starting a business might require some investments, but as a student, you could find more ways to minimise them than office workers. Look around you. You can find your potential partners on campus; be willing to share a certain part of the sales for their services. There’s a big chance you’ll find students who are willing to sacrifice some time for your business for free in exchange for some working experience with an actual project.
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